
September 19, 2016

Gender, Power and Democracy: The Contribution of Women in the House of Representatives

This research report outlines the contribution of women in the Cyprus Parliament and in shaping gender equality legislation. Based on the research results, MIGS has made […]
July 22, 2016

Addressing FGM in development projects – Training of Trainers (TOT) Manual

This Training of Trainers (ToT) manual has been produced in the framework of the “END FGM. Cooperation, synergies and structured dialogue among civil society and EU […]
July 1, 2016

GEAR against IPV – Cyprus Country Report

MIGS presents the GEAR against IPV II Country Report entitled: Dating Violence (DV), Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sexual Violence (SV) in Adolescents: preventive and supportive […]
April 15, 2016

Breaking the Mould: Promoting Gender Equality in Cyprus

The aim of the Breaking the Mould project is to promote flexible working arrangements for men and women in Cyprus, and encouraging companies and particularly SMEs to implement […]
October 19, 2015

FGM in development publications

The series of publications includes 4 factsheets and a position paper in five languages, within the framework of the EuropeAid Project “END FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). […]
September 18, 2015

STOP Traffic for Domestic Work project resources

The following resources are a result of the transnational project Combating Trafficking in Women for Labor Exploitation in Domestic Work (STOP Traffic for Domestic Work). 1) “I […]
August 26, 2015

Briefing Papers on STIR: Intimate Teenage Violence

The STIR: Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships project involved more than 4,000 young people aged 14-17 in the UK, Norway, Cyprus, Italy and Bulgaria. The briefing papers […]
May 28, 2015


MIGS is happy to announce the publication of the leaflet of the project entitled: Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence – II (GEAR against IPV – II). The GEAR against IPV-II project aims to […]