MIGS is inviting candidates with demonstrated ICT expertise on e-learning services to tender on the creation of an e-learning platform for the END FGM E-Campus project.
The project E-learning Portal for Professionals to End FGM in Europe – End FGM E-campus is coordinated by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) and implemented in partnership with CUT (Cyprus), AIDOS (Italy), GAMS Belgium, APF (Portugal) and End FGM European Network (based in Brussels, Belgium). The End FGM E-campus is co-financed by the European Union. The project started officially on 1 March 2023 and will last for 24 months, until 28 February 2025.
The overall aim of the project is the creation and development of a web-based knowledge platform on FGM, which will provide high quality, comprehensive, culturally appropriate, holistic and interdisciplinary theoretical as well as practical knowledge to professionals dealing with FGM-affected individuals and communities.
Developed by experts in the field and in synergy with existing tools developed by EU-wide networks and community-based organisations, it will contribute to increased quality of public services and victim/survivor- centred access to prevention, protection and support services. Thus, the END FGM E-Campus aims to be a valuable resource for professionals dealing with survivors or those at risk of FGM.
Interested candidates should reply to this call electronically no later than 15 September 2023.
Please read the Tender Specifications and relevant Annexes.