Briefing Papers on STIR: Intimate Teenage Violence

May 28, 2015
STOP Traffic for Domestic Work project resources
September 18, 2015

The STIR: Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships project involved more than 4,000 young people aged 14-17 in the UK, Norway, Cyprus, Italy and Bulgaria. The briefing papers below provide the results.

Briefing Paper 1 reports on findings from the expert groups

Policy and Practice Awareness in Europe on Teenage Intimate Relationships and New Technology

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Briefing Paper 2 explores the STIR survey findings and incidence and impact of experiencing IPVA

Incidence Rates and Impact of Experiencing Interpersonal Violence and Abuse in Young People’s Relationships.

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STIR Briefing Paper 3 explores the STIR survey findings on the risk and protective (predictive) factors associated with experiencing and instigating interpersonal violence in young people’s relationships

Risk and Protective (Predictive) Factors for IPVA Victimisation and Instigation

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STIR Briefing Paper 4 reports on young People’s views on intervention and prevention of IPVA

Young People’s Views on Intervention and Prevention for Interpersonal Violence and Abuse in Young People’s Relationships.

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STIR Briefing Paper 5 reports findings from the interviews with young people in the five partner countries, including online and offline control and surveillance, sending sexual images (‘sexting’) and sexual pressure and physical and emotional violence as well as their views on what constitute a positive relationship.

Young People’s Perspectives on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse in Intimate Relationships.

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STIR Executive Summary

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