Launch of Comparative Report on Femicide in 5 European Countries

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Within the framework of the EU-funded project ‘FEM-UNITED – United to prevent IPV/DV Femicide in Europe’, the FEM-UNITED partnership is launching a comparative report on the findings of the FEM-UNITED research study on the prevalence and characteristics of femicide in five European countries.   

Every day around the world, 137 women and girls are killed due to their gender by a family member or by a current or former intimate partner.  

Femicide – the intentional killing of women and girls because they are women – is not only the most extreme form of gender-based violence against women, but also the most violent manifestation of discrimination against them. 

The FEM-United project seeks to shine a spotlight on the urgent need to develop and implement effective strategies for preventing femicide. The project specifically focuses on the prevention of intimate partner femicide, the killings of women and girls committed in the context of intimate partner violence and/or domestic violence. A key way the project has contributed to this is with the development of an evidence base, through the collection of data on femicide across 5 European countries. The comparative report collates all the data and findings of this data collection process and provides a comparative analysis.  

Find the report in English here.

Find an executive summary of findings and recommendations here.