National Stakeholder Event: Strategies for building the resilience of women’s specialist services

TRUST Final Conference: Violence against women – Tools to Support Women during Crisis
August 1, 2024

The national stakeholder event “Strategies for building the resilience of women’s specialist services” took place on 20 June 2024, from 13:30 to 18:00. The event was organized by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) and the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) within the framework of the EU project TRUST - towards replicable forms of support and tools in crises.

The event aimed to bring together relevant stakeholders, including NGOs and policy makers in the violence against women sector in Cyprus to discuss the main findings and results of the TRUST, with a focus on addressing the digital dimension of violence against women.

Read the event report

Read media coverage of the event.